Contract Address:

10% of all inbound investment into the MINR token is immediately invested into fractional crypto mining ownership via named facilities with proven track record of successful return on crypto mining. The contracts secured for fractional ownership, due to industry sensitivities, are confidential in nature however the outline is that we invest to support expansion of existing facilities which enables the facilities to buy more equipment up front. The yield from these machines is part shared after deduction of standard direct costs such as electricity, management etc. Our combined fractional ownership value can be seen in the table below - Mining investment table (updated weekly) and the return on investment from the mining investments can be seen in the table - Mining Yields (updated weekly but converted at random times).


Below is a table detailing the amounts and dates as well as the transactions on where we have sent the money for mining expansion.

Minr Tokens Invested
Transaction Details
Sample Record: 2021-07-20
120 000 000
320 000 000


Below is a table detailing the amount that we have profited, when the mined coins were converted to Minr Tokens and when they were burnt.

Yield(in BTC)
Conversion Date
Balance in BTC
Sample Record:28
100 000 000 Minr : 0.3 BTC

You can see the details of the MINR token purchases from the profits and tokens subsequently burnt in this address.


The combination of 5% burn on sale plus the mining revenue burn gives MINR a powerful hold incentive as the token deflationary volumes will mean a far quicker increase in price for all investors than other tokens we know of. Plus the volume of profit from crypto mining is a dependable income stream which can be accounted for reliably into the future giving achievable milestones not dependent on the token trading market but dependent on the crypto mining market


Fractional crypto ownership facility owners charge a percentage of fees to manage costs and there are additional variables that impact ROI (coins mined, location, operating costs such as electricity etc. So the intention is to work with multiple partners based on best ROI as well as build in house mining facilities. Fractional ownership shares can be bought or sold in order to move investments into better performing contracts, the proceeds from sales will be re-allocated into other mining investments,coins and facilities however, ownership transactions and yield volumes will always be publicly available and directly related to the 10% fee on inbound investments and the return of investment provided by the crypto mining operations.


We are able to invest upfront to support expansion and development of established professional crypto mining operations. MINR has standard fractional ownership contracts which enable us to invest upfront in return for fractional ownership of facilities and a proportional share of net profit after reasonable fees. These contracts can be re-sold at any time but are not required to be re-purchased by the seller.

Mining operations are often funded by multiple sources and fractional ownership is common. For any mining facilities out there looking for additional investment we request details of historic ROI, confirmation of legal entity and If you are investing in crypto mining facilities with competitive ROI through location / hashing algorithms etc then please get in touch with us at


For any queries please see our FAQ’s page and if not detailed there contact MINR @